HATE’s history started in Warsaw, Poland, in 1990, led by front man Adam "ATF Sinner" Buszko. The band is one of the most recognizable names in the Polish blackened death metal scene. HATE has released twelve full-length studio albums to date, as well as a number of early demos and EPs. Their most recent album, "Rugia", was released on October 15, 2021 through Metal Blade Records. Right now, the band is finishing their new upcoming album at Heinrich House Studio. The material will be mixed at Studio Gröndahl, Stockholm with producer David Castillo later this Summer. I have "annoyed" a little my friend Daniel "Nar-Sil" Rutkowski, drummer of the band, during his family vacation in Sweden by interviewing him between kayaking and cultural visits to Astrid Lindgren's hometown. A drummer who, in addition to being a close person, has very clear principles in life.
OBNUBIL: Hi Daniel! Thank you for taking your time to answer some questions, I know you are very busy! To start, I would like to ask you about your beginnings. As a musician, composer and multi-instrumentalist, what made you start playing drums? What were your main references at the very beginning?
DANIEL: Hi! Thank you again for the opportunity to talk! Well, it started with drums when I was a very small kid, but I didn't (and probably no-one at that time) knew it would turn out so seriously, haha. When I was 3-4 years old, I annoyed my neighbors by banging this little drum every day when my grandma played music for me. Maybe then the parents noticed some predispositions? They have been with me forever. Priceless wonderful people. I got my first kit in 2009. I wanted to play drums. I knew it then. The guitar irritated me, with all the chord chords on the fretboard (small fingers haha)... and the drum came naturally to me. I still remember, the first thing I played when I got the set was the entire "Ride the Lightning" album by Metallica. And here is the answer to the most important inspiration at the beginning - Lars Ulrich. I think many drummers would say the same, but they are ashamed haha. There's nothing! The guy was killing it until ‘93!
OBNUBIL: What was your first musical project and your first drum kit?
DANIEL: I think my first musical project started in 2013 or 2012? I do not remember exactly. It wasn't a serious playing, although it seemed so at the time. I had a friend who liked folk metal and viking metal. He infected me with it a bit and we started trying to do something together. Back then I was at the stage where I could play any type of metal as long as I could play it! So we called ourselves Jorghenaun and recorded our only song professionally with an old phone recorder haha! It was a kind of melodic black / viking metal. It had potential! Unfortunately, the lack of consistency in developing it led to a breakdown, as happens with kids. I was 14/15 years old then.
I would have to call Embrional as my first serious music project. That's where my serious playing began, or at least my first attempts at it. It was 2015.
My first acoustic set was the DDrum model Journeyman for two bass drums, two toms and two floor toms. It was then in 2013, because I had previously played electronic drums which I got in 2009. It was some early days of technology in this field and it (Alesis DM6) wasn't very good. I didn't know how to play at all and I just kept hitting it until I broke it. I wanted to play it like live drums haha. To this day, I still have its remnants preserved in sentiment. By the way, I bought this DDrum back last year from the guy I sold it to! So I have my first drums with me again.
OBNUBIL: You currently have numerous sponsors, who are they and how/when did you get your first one?
DANIEL: You know what, I wouldn't call them sponsors because they don't sponsor anything for me, but they are very supportive with getting the gear with a good deal.
The first support I received from Arkadiusz Przybył from Music Partners in 2016 allowed me to buy my second Sakae (Japan drum company) drum set. At the same time, Arek also offered me Wincent drumsticks. With whom I am still with today. Let's remember that back then I was a kid just starting to play, and he already believed in me. Priceless! I wasn’t even playing in Hate yet.
Later, I started to look for such endorser help more intensively, let's say when I joined Hate, because I knew I would need it. My playing has just escalated to playing very frequently and the hardware is wearing out. The first person who trusted me was Władek from Czarcie Kopyto (a Polish drum pedal company). I will never forget the support shown to me. It works like - you just write an e-mail, say that you need this and what you can give in return, and then somehow it either works or they won't answer you. And that's basically how it is to this day. But the most important thing is patience and perseverance. If you don't get it here, you'll get it somewhere else. That's why, for example, I'm at Pearl (great, great thanks to Gabriela Piotrowska) and not at Tama (drum company) (and I had to look for another drum company, because Sakae had some issues and I couldn’t have drums from them any longer).
So, you have to believe that you are valuable. A serious contract on paper is a success. That's what I have with Paiste (drum cymbals). And here I have a huge thank you to Christian Wenzel (Paiste artist relations), who accepted me into the Paiste family on the recommendation of Eugene Ryabchenko (Fleshgod Apocalypse) (thank you for trust and faith in my abilities, I hope that we will continue this cooperation as best as possible).
Thanks to the courtesy of Footblaster trigger (Christian Giusto), I use a kick drum trigger system, so that you can hear fast double bass more clearly on the fronts. Also they have great drum pads for warming up.
Of course, last but not least, Leszek Pająk from Music Info and Aquarian Drumheads. The enormous support he gives me with drumheads is invaluable.
It was more or less in this order, but as you can see, there are a lot of these things, and drums are the most expensive instrument to maintain, so the point is that I had to find support for my frequent playing.
OBNUBIL: What can you tell us about the current music scene in your country Poland, especially in relation to extreme metal. As we have been able to observe, there is a strong movement of this music in the country. Have you noticed a notable improvement in recent years?
DANIEL: Definitely. This music is still developing in our country and I have the impression that it only gets better over the years. Especially since there are many young people who take over this passion from their elders. Nowadays, the Internet certainly helps a lot in learning how to play properly. I come from the generation where the Internet was just coming into use and there were not as many tutorials as there are now. I teach many youngsters in my private school and I have the opportunity to observe how this extreme scene is growing in the next generation. Beautiful feeling! We should also remember distinguished veterans. In our country, this extreme scene has always been at a high level. From black metal to death metal. Names such as Vader, Mgła, Behemoth are known all over the world, but there are also less popular names that present high-quality music. For example Kriegsmaschine, In Twilight's Embrace, Deus Mortem, Varmia, etc. I've also been listening to Hellfuck lately. It's more for fans of 80s thrash metal, bands like Destruction, Kreator. Turned up thrash metal to 300 bpm haha.
OBNUBIL: You have been active as a drummer since 2009. What has been the most demanding challenge you have faced since you started to tour the first time?
DANIEL: I would say the human factor. People are unpredictable and you never know who you will meet. Some people stay calm throughout the entire tour and some party wildly with the music turned up to full blast. Sometimes when you need peace, it doesn't help. But you can't come and tell them to be quiet because you want them to be quiet. They have the right to have fun. You put on your headphones and turn off yourself. But the concerts make up for everything. The moment I sit down behind the kit for this hour of performance, I give vent to all my emotions and I always leave the stage feeling positively charged. And it's worth everything.
OBNUBIL: How many special dreams have you fulfilled that you set for yourself when you started in the world of music and are there any in particular that you have not yet been able to fulfill?
DANIEL: Of course, the most important dream that I have fulfilled is to play at a constant, good (or at least I hope so haha) level. I don't have to worry about not being able to play something. These thoughts used to drive me crazy. In addition, of course, tours with idols from the bands I grew up with, e.g. Pete Sandoval, David Vincent, Flo Mounier, etc. My dream at the moment is to be able to make a stable living from music. Without worrying that in a month I won't have what I need to live. This is the biggest dream that I am still pursuing.
OBNUBIL: Since the beginning of 2020 you have been the permanent drummer of blackened death metal band HATE, with whom you already extensively toured around many countries. What have been the best and most outstanding moments with the band and the most worrying? Is there any moment live, during the recording of an album or related to a fan that has especially marked you as a musician?
DANIEL: Playing in a band with a constant frequency of concerts teaches cooperation and understanding of people. Patience and empathy. As I mentioned earlier, the human factor is unpredictable. But it works for us. We are reaching out more and more as people in this band. Band is a clue word. We are a real band. We learn about ourselves. There are always better or worse moments, but the most important thing is willingness. If you know what you want, you will always come to an agreement. It can't all be tilted in favor of one person. So in my opinion, as long as we play together, there are still the best moments, because we work together and that's why we win. And let it stay that way. Losing is when our paths diverge because you can no longer reach an agreement for various reasons. You could say that it shaped me as a musician and a human being. Understanding that you can't achieve anything on your own. People who listen to each other, strive for the same goal - they want the best for you. You have to be able to appreciate it and want the same for them. Then everything will always work.
OBNUBIL: Since you have become part of the band, you have had the opportunity to record an album with them, the album “Rugia”, published in mid-October 2021 through Metal Blade Records. What can you tell us about your experience recording said album?
DANIEL: It was definitely a new experience for me. I haven't recorded any album in a professional studio before. The recording process itself was very organic. I played songs from beginning to end "old school" style. Maybe that's why this album has such primal power and fury. I wanted to hit it as hard as I could, to show how pissed off I was. Why? Because the world is heading in a direction that I don't really like. Today, when I listen to this album, I would improve some things on the drums, but it's always like that. At that moment it was the album of my life. And that's how I approached to its recording. Just like now, the album of my life is the latest one, which we are just finishing work on.
OBNUBIL: Right now the band is working on a new album. When is its launch estimated? Are there differences in the recording of this album with respect to “Rugia”?
DANIEL: We don't know exactly when the premiere will be scheduled. Certainly sooner rather than later, as we are approaching the halfway point of the final work. The band's style has been refreshed. The sound is even more refined. I'm waiting for the final results myself, because I get chills when I remember what strong arrangements we have to present. Of course there will be some vibe from "Rugia", because it was the band Hate that released it, but there will also be some other, new and more daring stuff. You'll see for yourself. I can’t say more at the moment.
OBNUBIL: Which of all the HATE’'s songs are your favorites, the ones you are most passionate about playing live and why?
DANIEL: From a musician's perspective - my favorite album will always be "Erebos". In my opinion, it has everything that makes a really good album. Cutting blast beats with heavy riffs... melodies that stay in memory... Heavy slow parts... Everything I like playing to on drums. And it sounds great too. I always get chills when we have to play the title track "Erebos" or "Luminous Horizon" from this album. It never gets boring live. Of course, I also love playing my parts from "Rugia" and "The Wolf Queen". These songs also do something magical... We were also playing "Exiles of Pantheon", but not anymore. This is one of my favorites.
I hope that we will play the title "Solarflesh" live someday! I played it at the Drummers From Hell 2023 drum festival in Świdnica (organized by my friend Rafał Habrajski, creator of the Drummers From Hell channel) and I felt as if the gates of hell had just opened haha. This song is great to play!
From the perspective of a fan of old death metal - I love to put "Awakening of the Liar or Anaclasis" in my player. Songs like "The Scrolls", "Anti-God Extremity", "Necropolis", "Anaclasis" and "Hex". These cutting riffs with blast beats and industrial fragments are probably what I define most as the building blocks of Hate's style, which only evolved further later. We’re playing "Hex" live and I always enjoy it very much.
OBNUBIL: Festivals or concert halls, which do you enjoy more? Is there any concert in your past that you would especially highlight?
DANIEL: I like open air the most. Nature and unpredictability in the aura and surroundings make each of it different and unique in its own way. I like unpredictable concerts. They usually come out the best. And the stages have a larger space, which gives more comfort on stage. My best memory is probably Wacken 2022. It was amazing to go out and play in front of a crowd that stretched to the horizon. But the perfect concert for me was in Ostrołęka that same year. Everything was amazing - audience, energy, sound in ear and my own performance didn't irritate me either, haha.
OBNUBIL: Let's get a little more personal, do you remember the first album you bought? Was it some musical sin? And what was the last one?
DANIEL: The first album I ever bought with my own pocket money, at the age of 11, was Slipknot's "All Hope is Gone". My parents are metalheads, so since I was a child I had full shelves of albums to listen to, from their collection of course haha. And why this particular album? Because I liked their music video for "Psychosocial" in 2008. I watched it probably 30 times a day and I really liked the whole concept of this band. And these brutal riffs... of course Joey Jordison's drums - simple, but to the point and without unnecessary parts. To this day, this album has a special place in my heart and so does Joey.
OBNUBIL: One movie, one song, a special place.
DANIEL: “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly” with Clint Eastwood. "Repined Bastard Nation" by Satyricon. My home.
OBNUBIL: How do you combine your personal life with your life as a musician? Do you sacrifice all your time to music or do you still have enough time for family, partner, friends?
DANIEL: Personal life is as important as music. I used to be more radical in this aspect, living on the edge against any people in my life, but I noticed that it made me unhappy. Without people there is no passion, without music there is no life, etc. The most important thing is to find that golden balance. So I always try to find time for both, i.e. relationships and music, so as not to neglect anything.
OBNUBIL: Have you come to observe that the aspiration for "fame" or "fame" itself has led musicians to lead a life on the edge, lose other important elements of their daily lives and focus on superficial and unstable things?
DANIEL: Haha.. I think this happens to all of us every day. Only some fight it, some don’t have strength to fight. The so-called 'ego' that overshadows everything that has real value in life. Values are harder to maintain, which is why it is less popular and there are few people who do it. It is important to appreciate yourself, but you also need to appreciate others who support you and make you smile every day. Without these people, there would be no success and happiness from it. So simple and yet so difficult when, let’s say, the vision of millions of dollars and the spotlight is tempting to the limit. The truth is... who wouldn't want that? And when you see the first effects in this direction, it's absolutely crazy. You forget about everything. And then you're left alone. Because you push everyone around you away. Just to feel that success. And then what?
OBNUBIL: In current times, making a living from music is something that only a few achieve. In your case, is music your main source of income?
DANIEL: Mostly life performances, and the rest - drum lessons that I give at my school. Teaching is such a flexible job that it allows me to go on tour without having to apply for any vacations, etc. But yes, everything revolves around music, because it's the most important thing in my life. I can't imagine myself anywhere else. It's not about rationality anymore. This is simply fanaticism.
OBNUBIL: Try to imagine for a moment, even if it is complicated, that you were not a musician, what profession would you choose and why?
DANIEL: Hahaha... as I wrote above in answer to the previous question - I don't see myself anywhere else than in music, because I simply believe in it, in all this metal. From a child. I grew up with it and I have no stronger values in life than metal music and this idea, especially old school brotherhood. It's like a code of chivalry. Loyalty must always be pure. When I see that someone has hidden bad intentions, I automatically move away. That's how I am.
But to answer your question... I don't know. As a museum curator? Or a guide? I love history. Especially the topic of World War II and the middle years of the Polish kingdom, when our country was at the peak of its power. I am a native Silesian, so I am also interested in my region and the Silesian language.
OBNUBIL: A quote that you would highlight and that represents you.
DANIEL: “Evil is evil. Smaller, greater, average, it doesn't matter, proportions are conventional and boundaries are blurred. I am not a pious hermit, I have not done only good in my life. But if I have to choose between one evil and another, I prefer not to choose at all.” - Geralt of Rivia, from Andrzej Sapkowski’s, Wiedźmin - Ostatnie Życzenie.
OBNUBIL: It has been a pleasure talking to you and getting to know you a little more! Thank you so much for taking your time answering the questions! Is there anything that you would like to say to the readers and to your fans?
DANIEL: The pleasure is all mine. Believe me, these questions were interesting and it was fun to answer them. Nice evenings spent with music and wine. Thank you for that! To all fans and readers - thank you for your support. I hope I didn't bore you haha! See you at the concerts I hope and may the force be with you. \M/ Metal & Hell. Cheers from Nar-Sil!
Interview done July 2024. Promo photos and live captions taken by following photographers: Maciej Pieloch and Artur Tarczewski.